Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer’s hard drive by websites you visit to enable the site to ’remember’ who you are. In general, cookies are only visible to the site that serves them, not to other websites. 'Serves' means places on your computer’s hard drive.
We use the following technologies within the site which use cookies:
Google Analytics
This site is the free Google Analytics tool (see to collect and analyse site statistics. Google Analytics uses persistent cookies to track data. These cookies do not collect any personally identifiable information and are only used for the statistical collection of data such as visits and page hits. Google Analytics' cookies store IP addresses but we cannot link those addresses to any individual or path through the website. Google uses the cookies to read information and evaluate visitors' use of the website in the form of statistical reports that we can access. The Google Analytics' code is incorporated into our site's code so that our site serves the cookies, but Google has access to the cookies. You can stop being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites by going to Google's site at:
This is a service which we use to track page shares. This is a list of AddThis cookies and what they do:
loc - This is the geolocation cookie so we know approximately where people sharing information are located
Coyote-2-a0f0083 - This is the load balancer cookie
bt - A behavior targeting cookie
ana_svc - a real-time service cookie
phpbb3_* and style_cookie - These are set by their support forum software
__utm* - Google analytics tracking
uid/uit - User id and login time tracking
psc - View counter cookie
di/dt - Date tracking cookies for determining expiration of other cookies
ssh/sshs - Service share history, used for configuring our preferred services.
Gill Marketing
A PHP Session cookie is used for our newsletter subscription service.
Content Management System
We use PHP Session cookies for our content management system to stop us logging-out all the time.
Page last modified: 06 March 2017 at 23:23